Languages Spoken:
English, Cantonese, Mandarin
英語、 普通話 、廣東話
Michael Chan
Registered TCM Practitioner & Acupuncturist
Mr. Michael Chan, PhD R.AC, R.TCMP
Mr Chan has been work as a registered senior Chinese Medicine Practitioner in a public funded Clinic in Hong Kong (The Hong Kong Tuberculosis Association--The University of Hong Kong Chinese Medicine Clinic cum Training and Research Centre) and provide Chinese Medicine consultation service including Chinese Medicine, Acupuncture and Moxibustion , Tuina etc for over 10 years.
Specialist in Geriatrics and pain, using Chinese medicine, acupuncture and Tuina to provide comprehensive and personalized treatment and rehabilitation for common chronic diseases in the elderly, such as Hypertension ,stroke, respiratory problems, immobility, joint disorders, cognitive disorders, etc. and pain (such as chronic pain, injury) and provide advice for the family members and carers of the patients. Besides, he has actively participated in health promotion and education through Hong Kong major media (TV programs, Radio, Newspaper). In his spare time, he likes to play badminton,work out and read to achieve both physical and mental health.
2023 Registered Chinese Medicine Practitioner in BC (R.TCM.P)2016-2019 - PhD Of Chinese Medicine (Acupuncture and Moxibustion and Tuina)
- Guang Zhou University of Chinese Medicine
2011-2013 - Master Of Chinese Medicine (Acupuncture and Moxibustion)
- The University of Hong Kong
2006-2011 - Bachelor Of Chinese Medicine
- Guang Zhou University of Chinese Medicine
陳醫師在香港防癆會香港防癆會 - 香港大學中醫診所暨教研中心任職註冊中醫師10年(2012至2022),為病人提供中藥內科、針灸、推拿等治療。專長於老人科疾病(例如高血壓、高血糖、高血脂、中風後遺症、呼吸系統疾病、身體協調問題、關節退化疼痛等)及痛症治療(包括長期勞損、意外或運動損傷。能綜合考慮病人身體狀況及病史結合中藥,針灸,推拿等手法制定全面和針對性的治療方案,並為病者的家屬及照顧者提供 專業的日常護理及復康意見,以加強治療效果。此外,亦致力在各大媒體向大眾推廣中醫及分享保健知識。空餘時間他喜歡打羽毛球及健身來保持身體健康,亦喜歡看書來修心養性,從而達到身心康泰。
2023年 成為卑詩省的註冊中醫師(R.TCM.P)
2016-2019 廣州中醫藥大學-針灸推拿學博士
2011-2013 香港大學-針灸學碩士
2006-2011 廣州中醫藥大學-中醫本科