Languages Spoken: English, Cantonese and Mandarin
Mildred Mok
Registered Social Worker & Psychotherapist
Mil is a registered social worker, psychotherapist, teacher, and writer who has worked in Hong Kong and Canada. With over twelve years of experience, she specializes in helping individuals facing emotional distress, mental health issues, career planning, and special needs. Mil has extensive training in various clinical psychotherapy approaches and is passionate about evidence-based practice. Her areas of expertise include emotional regulation, depression, anxiety, anger management, parenting skills, autism, and family relationships, and more. Mil’s longterm goal is to promote understanding and acceptance of emotions, mental health, and special needs in Chinese society.
Mil is dedicated to applying Focusing, a therapeutic approach she has practiced since 2013. She teaches Focusing courses to professionals in social work, healthcare, education, and other fields and supports students in their practice. As one of the few Chinese Focusing certified trainers and Focusing-oriented therapists in North America, Mil combines elements of psychotherapy and evidence-based neuroscience in her counseling and training courses. She emphasizes the cultivation of presence, self-awareness, and self-care to promote therapeutic change. Mil helps participants learn how to build intimate interpersonal relationships, tap into internal resources, and use their body wisdom to find solutions to life’s difficulties, fostering better physical, mental, social, and spiritual health.
Mil 是一位在香港和加拿大的註冊社工、心理治療師、老師、作家。擁有超過十二年的經驗,她一直致力於幫助兒童、青少年、家長和成年人去面對因情緒困擾、精神健康問題、生涯規劃和特殊需要等處境所帶來的挑戰。Mil 接受廣泛範疇的臨床心理治療訓練,並十分推崇實證為本的實踐(evidence-based practice),她的專業領域包括情緒調節、抑鬱症、焦慮、憤怒管理、育兒技巧、自閉症和家庭關係等等。Mil 的長期目標是在華人社會中促進對情緒、心理健康和特殊需求的理解和接納。
自2013年起,Mil 致力於應用生命自覺療法 (Focusing Therapy),為社工、醫療、教育等領域的專業人士教授生命自覺課程,並支持學生們的實踐。作為北美地區為數不多的華語生命自覺認證導師和生命自覺導向治療師之一,Mil在她的輔導和培訓課程中結合了不同的心理治療元素和腦神經科學實證。她強調培養臨在(presence)、自我覺察(self-awareness)和自我恩慈(self-compassion),以促進治療性的變化。Mil幫助參與者學習如何建立親密人際關係,利用內在資源和身體智慧找到解決生活困境的方法,促進更好的身心社靈健康。