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Languages Spoken:

English, Cantonese, Mandarin



英語、 普通話 、廣東話 

Nicole Tai

Registered Physiotherapist

Nicole Tai, BScPT, BSND, was born in Perth, Australia and raised in Vancouver, BC. She received her degree in Nutritional Sciences from the University of Toronto, after which she moved to Hong Kong to complete her degree in Physiotherapy. Ever the life long learner, she is currently furthering her education by pursuing a degree in Acupuncture here in B.C.

By uniquely combining the strengths of both Western and Chinese medicine, Nicole uses an approach that encompasses assessing and treating the whole person. She is thorough in her examination process and will get to the root of your issues. She also has unique hands on techniques for performing myofascial release and lymphatic drainage.

Nicole’s primary area of interest is in musculoskeletal orthopaedics, especially of the ankle and knee region. She has treated a vast range of clients in Hong Kong, including kids, office workers, injured professional dancers, fencers, and the elderly. She enjoyed being the on-field physiotherapist of the Hong Kong Premier League Soccer Team. Her experience led her to an esteemed position as the consultant physiotherapist of China’s Gymnastics Olympic Team.

On her off time, she enjoys yoga and travelling to explore different parts of the world.

戴楚翹小姐(BScPT, BSND)出生於澳洲珀斯並於溫哥華長大。她分別於多倫多大學取得營養學學士,並於香港完成註冊物理治療師學位。深信終身學習的Nicole現在正在B C省深造針灸學位。

由於深受中西混合的醫學理念影響 ,Nicole採取全人治療手法,並會鍥而不捨為你找出問題的根源從而治療。除了使用物理治療手法,她亦連同其他技術,如肌筋膜松解術、淋巴引流術等來治療您的傷患。Nicole 的主要治療領域是肌肉骨骼骨科,尤其是腳踝和膝蓋之痛症。




Unit 800 - 6388 No. 3 Road

8th Floor, The Paramount

Richmond, B.C.


English / Cantonese / Mandarina available

Monday - Friday: 9 AM - 6 PM 

Saturday:  9 AM - 4PM

Sunday & Stat holidays:

By Appointment

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